Abhirag Interviews Mike Gianelli

When I first heard Dissipate , they impressed the hell outta me. Mike who handles the guitar duties for the band took some time out to chat with me. It was an absolute privilege, here it goes–

Me– After seeing the playthrough vids for Dissipate tracks I was absolutely amazed by your playing style so first of all, when did you start playing guitar and biggest influences as a guitar player?
Mike– I started playing guitar at the age of 8. So many influences to choose from , but anything from Pantera to Rage Against the Machine to Jimmy Hendrix. I basically grew up listening to all kinds of music so influences also include the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughan, The Allman Brothers Band,  just to name a few.

Me– Are you a full-time musician or do you have other side jobs?
Mike–I work a part-time job and on the side of that I give guitar lessons at the Bands Studio in CA . I have always wanted to be a musician ever since picking up the guitar. I guess you can say it’s in my blood.

Me– Tell us about Dissipate, what are the future plans, when is the album dropping?
Mike– Dissipate is a huge project for me as it is for everyone else in the band. We have worked very hard to reach this far. We have been through numerous member changes and uphill battles with bad luck. I think it has made us who we are today. We are in the middle of working out an agreement with a label right now. Can’t talk names right now. The EP  “The Realist” will be dropping this year.

Me– Any other side projects or your complete focus is on Dissipate?
Mike–  After the EP I plan to make a solo record. It will be more of a free “solo” record, as far as improvised and a more mellow feel to it, instrumental of course.

Me– What are your thoughts on the whole djent phenomenon?
Mike–  I think its cool , however I don’t wanna see everybody doing the same thing. I love bands that are different and unique. The style is great, but I wanna see people use it in different ways and branch out more. “Evolve or Die”.

Me–  Current bands in the metal genre that you like?
Mike– The bands that I absolutely love right now are Gru, Animals as Leaders of course, Dillinger Escape Plan, The Algorithm, Deftones, Halcyon, and Periphery (instrumental).

Me– I saw you left Meshuggah out, I guess that is too obvious to even mention :P
Mike– Aww fuck me running ye MESHUGGAH !! Love that band, who doesn’t ….

Me– And how do you go about song writing?
Mike– As far as writing is concerned I get influenced by whats going on in the world or things that nobody wants to talk about or bring up , as far as real issues. For some reason that brings creativity to me and I put it on the fretboard almost like I am trying to tell a story. Sounds corny but it works for me. I also try to stay different, technical but comprehensible.

Me–   You just slay on 7 and 8 stringers how different is it from playing a normal 6 stringer?
Mike– Well I have played 6 stringers all my life, in fact I started out playing acoustic which I believe is the best way to start out, so before I got on the 7 or the 8 stringers I was already familiar and comfortable with the 6 stringer. I see some of these bands that play 8′s and they only use like 4 strings, to me that’s weak. You gotta use it for what it is and for what it can bring to the table. Kinda like what Tosin and Josh Travis do. But what I like about the 7  and 8 stringers is that you can do way more on the 8 when it comes to chord progressions and they offer just a wide extended range of awesomeness . You can get lost in the fretboard. It feels like home to me.

Me– Yeah Josh Travis, hahaha the way he shreds on an 8 stringer, it’s even hard to imagine, eagerly await the Danza IV.  Anyways it was great talking to you, I am sure that Dissipate will make it big.
Mike– Thanks man!!



Every Time I Die, I Restart At The Last Checkpoint.

Abhirag returns with another article. This time on Every Time I Die, which you guys better read or the riot police will come fuck you up. Just ask this random ETID fan.


I am not a music nazi, I don’t give a rat’s ass if you find Black Veil Brides appealing [it is sad though that because of fags like you Revolver Golden Gods has been reduced to a joke, and I am not even laughing].

DISCLAIMER: I would like to clarify that this is not a derogatory term for homosexuals in this sense. There are plenty of homosexuals who are not fags. And plenty of straight people who are. Example: Black Veil Brides. Thank You.

I will often say that music is relative and to each its own until you open your worthless fucking mouth against ETID. The moment you do that my words will be the daggers seeking and obliterating your hollow pride and your inexcusable naivety. Find me a better lyricist than Keith Buckley and I will find you a fucking liar. Within the opening 2 seconds of this album’s opening track “Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space” with Keith shrieking “I want to be dead with my friends” it is very apparent that ETID is back with take_no_prisoners mode engaged. The razor-sharp guitar tone is similar to the voice of Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, in the sense that you need to expose your ears to prolonged periods of both to maintain decent hearing ability. With this album ETID has more than made up for approximately 2 years of  inactivity. Vocals are perfect, vocals are Keith. Lyrics are perfect, lyrics are Keith. I suggest that Keith be officially made a synonym of perfect. Jordan and Andy as always display pure fucking ownage on guitars. Every riff has been carefully crafted to play with your ear canals in unimaginably nasty ways. Now coming to the tracks, “The Low Road Has No Exits” is very much ETID’s take on old school thrash, “Holy Book of Dilemma” reminds me of DEP in terms of the sheer amount of bottled rage just erupting out in that 1 min and 49 seconds, “Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow” has a banjo intro, yes you read it right, I said banjo and I dare you to say that it doesn’t fit, I double dare you, also drummer Ryan Leger kills it on this track. Enough with the track by track breakdown already, every track is just one more compelling reason for you to get on this like kitten to a lase pointer. So winding things up, this is ETID, the way it should be, the way it has always been, unforgiving, unrelenting, unapologetic metal. I leave you with the vid for “Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space” which was directed by Keith and contains startling visceral images gathered apparently from the darkest corners of the internet and as Keith explains “In order to write lyrics I had to pay attention to the defeatism that the music suggested. To compile this video I had to acknowledge the masochism I wrote of to myself. You don’t get rewarded for your faith and you don’t get celebrated for your heroism. Just when you find yourself attached, you have lost it. Everything is borrowed. C’est la vie.”


Dionaea. No, it’s not an STD.

A release consisting of only 3 songs, yet still clocking in at half an hour? An enigmatic, one word band name that the majority of us will look at and say “fuck knows what that means”? An album with vague song names such as “Carrier” and “Same Story”?

What kind of band would incorporate these concepts?

Oh yeah…

So, Dionaea. Apparently it means Venus flytrap, according to my extensive research (typing it into google and clicking the first wikipedia link i seen). I am a student. Herp Derp.
Edit: Could also be referring to Aphrodite (who, incidentally, is the Greek equivalent of Venus, giving us a connection with the plant). Surprised this wasn’t my first thought, considering i study Ancient Greek history. Derp.

But enough of such trivial matters, like band names. After all, who cares what a band is called? The name is irrelevant to the music. After all, we still like this band, despite their name.

For those who can’t read death metal, this says “Aborted Hitler Cock”. With a few Umlauts thrown in for good measure.

However, Dionaea are quite far from Aborted Hitler Cock in terms of music. Listening through the album “Still” was an interesting experience. It was like a forever shifting mass, like dunes of sand morphing in the wind. In the beginning, it had a very similar sound to many djent bands who try to sound like space. While i enjoy this, and was expecting that to be the theme explored on this LP, i quickly came to realise that this was not really djent. It is progressive in the most intrinsic sense of the word, it changes and moves on through ideas almost like a storybook. The guitar melodies paint epic pictures of starscapes, of beautiful scenery, of tranquility before erupting into crushing rhythms that would be at home on a Dillinger Escape Plan album. The bass is intricate and smooth, providing interesting counter-melodies and helping to add to the overall sense of PROG AS FUCK.

So, its about 4 minutes in to the first song and we hear our first bit of vocals. Yep, it’s prog. Sounds kind of experimental at this point, with random ass riffs flopping around the place like fish. Vocals lasted about 30 seconds and they’re gone again. Wonder when they shall return, if they do at all. I’ll let you know.

The Drumming is very good, providing a steady beat when it’s needed and going full on tits mental whenever it decides that should be the case. I have come to the conclusion that prog music has tourettes. This LP is a good example. There can be beautiful licks and riffs, building a portrait of serenity and pretty colours. Then all of a sudden, BAM, discordant riff rapes your head. I remember back in my young days when i used to be surprised when that shit happened. I would be like HOLY FUCK I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING. Most of the time i don’t jump anymore, but occasionally i can still be impressed with the spontaneity. Still manages to do this.

Oh its 11 minutes into the first song and the vocals are back. This time, a little bit more angsty, and then a little bit heavier. Talking about reality or some shit. It’s just so sad apparently. It’s just too bad, as well. If you say so, Tom.

So we come to exactly halfway through the album and it’s only the end of the first song. Prog. I’m not going to continue with this real time review, because it’s just too difficult to keep up with. I keep getting distracted by batshit crazy riffs. BRB LOL

Back. Well that was interesting. There was literally like 2 minutes of singing throughout that half an hour LP. Which doesn’t bother me, i enjoyed the album anyway, but if you can’t stand instrumental shit then this is not for you. There’s even some sweet little violins in there to create a very tranquil mood. But then a silly solo comes in and blasts you with a very atonal tapping extravaganza, backed up by insane drumming and a few lines of screamies. I recommend you guys listen through this. It’s well worth checking out.

As we say in Scotland, there is “Heft Hunners’ ai yass” in this LP. The entire thing is available for streaming and download on Bandcamp! Download it for $5 for ‘mericans and the exchange rate for us would be something like…£3.17.
That’s not bad for half an hour of prog. Also check out their facebook for more news and shit.

So, thus concludes my review of Dionaea. Wasn’t that informative, kids? Read more of my shit, i’m like Oscar Wilde.


P.S This.

After Every Cumshot. Because they sound like Robots climaxing. This is a good thing.

Hailing from the Grimsby area of England, After Every Gunshot have been growing in popularity since they began 5 years ago. After a 2 year hiatus, they have just re-emerged with a new line-up and some epic new tracks in the works. In 2010, they released an EP named ‘Within the Woods’ which i gotta tell you, is as brilliant as it is intense.

The Oedipus Complex is a full fucking onslaught on your ears. Now, I’m a fan of technical death metal. And what is the secret to tech-death? THROW RANDOM ASS RIFFS EVERYWHERE.
This is what happens, and it’s like a shifting, progressive attack of notes that pierces you with incredibly technicalities and fucking maths. If you are an instrumentalist, and you can’t read actual music (only tabs. Like me. Because I’m lazy) , then i imagine when you’re listening to a song, you try and imagine the tabs in your head? No? Ok, maybe that’s just me. If it isn’t, let me know. Well, imagine for a second that you do. Well listening to this song is like being hit with a machine gun spray of numbers and shit. It’s like the goddamned apocalypse in my head. Weedly weedly weedly.

That was a stupidly long winded way of saying its FUCKING technical as FUCK. But tech-death is not the only genre this band performs. Within the stupidly technical riffs, there’s the odd timings and scales of bands similar to SikTh and they even remind me of local Edinburgh band and TGNBK favourites Sectioned in that aspect. In the Within the Woods trilogy of songs they employ some aspects of melodic death metal, metalcore, deathcore, djent, whatever the fuck you can think of. Most of it is in there. It’s diverse as fuck.

These guys have been pressing me for a review for ages, but I’ve been fairly busy what with exams n’ shit. But now I’m pretty pissed off i didn’t give the album a proper listen through earlier. Because i am incredibly impressed by it.

Y’know, these dudes were nice enough to send me a cd up in the mail. I eagerly awaited the thing. However, it is now that i must inform you of my incredible hatred and feud going on with Royal Mail. For years, these guys have fucked up my post. Back in my hometown of Alloa a few years ago, i ordered a Dimebag Darrell biography. They lost it, and in the end, it took 6 months to arrive, even though i paid for next day delivery. Bastards.
This became a theme. Even following me out of Alloa into the capital, Edinburgh. I now have my own flat, with several flatmates, and i order more shit online now than ever. Takes fucking ages to get here (never between 3-5 days, like it usually advertises) and when it does “apparently” get here, i always wake up to find one of those stupid fucking red notes that’s all like


My doorbell is loud as fuck. So either they knock the door lightly, apparently not seeing the MASSIVE FUCKING doorbell right in the middle of the door…directly above the letterbox, or they just can’t be fucked carrying about my package, so they post the poofy wee note in the letterbox for their own convenience.
I am inclined to think the latter, as it usually says the package can be collected “immediately”…because they never brought it with them.
Long story short, i had to pay money and arrange for redelivery for the EP and they still haven’t sent it, despite 4 angry emails insulting their ancestors.

“Fuck you, Ell, you will NEVER get this parcel”

So thus concludes my review of the Royal Mail. Wait, what was i meant to be doing again? I get sidetracked too easily.

Oh yeah, the sheer shred that is taking place all over this fucking EP. It leaks shred. When you look at it, it vibrates with sheer shred. The drums are top notch, providing a rumbling undercurrent that is fortified by some crushing basslines – which then go off on their own one and go just as mental as the guitars. I like to see equality of instruments in metal. None of this no bass pish.

If you don’t want to just take my word for it, then check what these other guys had to say.

“For a four track EP, this release packs more bang for your buck than almost anything else you are likely to hear this year…the irony here is it’s FREE and there isn’t one good reason you can come up with to justify not getting a copy of this and playing the shit out of it” – Duncan, Rock and Reel Reviews.

“This is sick guys, well stoked on it!” – Tom – Galleons

“Sounds fucking sick” – Visions

“I like it! Its Original.” James Clayton – The Arusha Accord

“This is very good, really like the clean sections!” – The Boy Will Drown

See? Told you they were good. Now, they have a few new songs, as well as playthroughs of their 2010 EP, on their youtube channel, so go check it out! Make sure to check out their facebook and give it a like for more news on this band. You can also download Within The Woods for free RIGHT HERE! New EP Prepulse Inhibition will be out soon, as well as the announcement of the new lineup!


P.S On another note, i will be writing an article  on Sexism in Metal, so please fill out this survey to help me see what people think 🙂

That Sinking Feeling: New Rise With Honour Video!

Scottish djent masters Rise With Honour have released the video for their outstanding tune Sinking Ships! I’ve covered these guys before, and i really fucking like them. You guys should check them out, and i seriously hope there is more where this come from. Looking forward to a great album eventually, and from the look of their youtube videos, they put on a great show live! They better come to Edinburgh soon!

Kick those fucking tyres!


Obscure Parade II: Starring Forward Unto Dawn, The Enigma Code, RSJ, Wall of the Fallen, Life Before Last

And so comes the time for our second multiple band review (Here’s the first).  The Review Strikes Back, if you will. A lovely selection of bands for you to check out today, if they sound like your cup of tea. I don’t think anything sounds like a cup of tea, as they’re pretty silent objects, but you get the picture.

As usual, there’s links a’plenty so you don’t have to do any actual work in searching for these bands. Just click. All you need is like one fucking muscle in your finger. Can’t be too hard to give an underdog band some attention, yes? I shall begin.

Songs: The Art and Illusion of Escape, Writings on the Wall

At first i thought these guys were just generic metalcore, but they have since impressed me with interesting songwriting skills and intricate riffery. There is an almost thrash influenced feel to these tracks, providing a very fast-paced atmosphere enhanced by harmonised guitar melodies and a powerful rhythm section. Writings on the wall even has a short, soft interlude that calms the mood completely before ripping it up again. They remind me of bands in the strain of Anterior, Mendeed and the like. Interesting. Great solo skills too.
The Art and Illusion of Escape doesn’t disappoint either. This is not bad, boring metalcore, like i first thought. It is innovative and entertaining to listen to. While the production of the tracks is not perfect, its still pretty good and maybe when they get round to making a studio album, we will see a real gem budding in these dudes.
Their EP ‘We Won’t Die’ is due for release May 22nd. Watch the facebook for details. Meanwhile, check out the tunes i mentioned!

Songs: Schismatic Catalyst, Psalm, Dead Star

Schismatic Catalyst took my by surprised. I was kind of expecting some sort of spacey djent solo project. What i got was a progressive metal act in the same sort of category as Born of Osiris and Veil of Maya. It is a rhythm based, progressive deathcore kind of sound, with some intense musical skills being flaunted. The guitar playing is fantastic, and the drums drive a groove like a beast. I am an instant fan of this band. There’s even some electronic styley stuff added in for creative value, which i always appreciate. Use what you can to get your sound across. This song is an intense, powerful behemoth with just a dash of tranquil ambience. It’s actually so good i need to link you it now. Listen.

I enjoyed it. The other songs are just as incredible, with Psalm including a jazzy little bass tap. Sweet. The Great Northern Blogkill officially supports this band. Well done, Enigma Code. I look forward to your 2012 demo that is mentioned on your facebook. Tunes. Check ’em.

Songs: His Name is Robert Paulsen, Degrees of Seperation

This York metal/hardcore act are fucking amazing. Trust me, this will not be the last time i review them. Since listening to their song, His Name Is Robert Paulsen, i have been hooked. As well as this song having an awesome name that makes me wanna blow up skyscrapers and play with my bitch-tits, it has an UNBELIEVABLE amount of groove, smooth basslines, epic chords and powerful vocals. I cannot say enough good things about this band. The riffs are heavier than Megatron‘s dong, with more groove than…a groovy thing. Apparently Megatron‘s dong is the extent of my metaphors. Fuck it, if Strapping Young Lad‘s debut album can get away with it, so can i.
Degrees of Separation is a crushing masterpiece. I can really hear Pantera influences in there, which is always a plus in my Dime-worshipping books. They also take some influence from Meshuggah in a way i haven’t heard yet, which is good. Not just djenty, proggy, fucked up rhythms. That shits all over the place now, but these guys take a different approach with that influence, deriving more from the untapped thrash aspect of Meshuggah. Mix that in with some Dillinger Escape Plan and you have RSJ, a band which is no where near as popular as they should be. I command thee to go forth and ‘like’ their page on facebook. Listen to tunes. Keep up with them. Buy Higgs Boson when it comes out. I fucking will. In fact i want a t shirt as soon as possible.
And no, i have no idea what RSJ stands for. Ask them.

Songs: Living Death, The Rising, Exalt

Living Death erupts with a speedy metalcore riff, followed by some brOOtz vocals and then some clean singing. Sound average? Well, it’s not. I was again pleasantly surprised by the innovative songwriting. The riffs are refreshing and new, with some fantastic solo work, great melodies and a unique voice with only the tiniest hint of sounding like one of the more ‘scene’ metalcore bands. They remind me a lot of As I Lay Dying, actually. Only i enjoyed this stuff more, because i’m not too bothered by AILD anymore. The guitarists are really impressive. I like how the riffs progress, they are reminiscent of my old band Broken Entity. And they’re from a town called Rifle. That’s pretty cool.
They certainly tear up shit on these songs. I have to admit, i do like myself some metalcore. While some people are all like DUDE ITS FUCKING POP METAL, SCREAMY BIT THEN CHEESY SUNG CHORUS, i reply with a FUCK YOU GUYS.
Nothing wrong with it. I find it enjoyable, as do a lot of people out there and i they deserve to hear this talented band.
If i had any problem, it was the cheesy HEY HEY HEY bit in The Rising. But anyway, check out this shit on their facebook!

Songs: Here We Stand (Ooh-Rah), Against the Fortified Cities

Wow, even though i picked these bands randomly from the list, they all seem to follow the same sort of strain of metalcore/deathcore. How strange. Well, that’s kind of what these guys are, but there’s more to it than that. The Vocals are certainly heavier. Sort of Plea for Purging-esque, with riffs reminiscent of War of Ages. The structure is pretty breakdown and groove orientated, which isn’t bad in itself, it’s only when those breakdowns and grooves are shit that it gets bad. These aren’t shit, but they aren’t as innovative as i would personally like. A lot of you guys are into this stuff though, so maybe it’s just me.
Against the Fortified Cities belts out classic metalcore riffs, combined with driving drums and more brutal vocals. There’s a little tapping bit incorporated into a breakdown about 1 and a half minutes in, and its fucking hilarious. Not bad musicianship, and i’m certainly not laughing at their songwriting. I just love how there’s a big heavy as fuck bit, then a little high pitched twiddle.

DUN DUN DUN twiddly diddly DUN DUN DUUN

It’s fantastic.

The recording and production leaves a little to be desired, especially on the part of the guitars and bass. More bass. We need more bass. But like i always say, i’m a stickler for production. Maybe when they bring out their new release, it will have improved! Check out the songs i mentioned here.

And so brings us to the conclusion of another episode of Obscure Parade.
Get listening and helping out bands, guys 🙂 They all appreciate it.

This band stole the nicknames i have for my biceps…: Newfangled and fancy video interview with Broken Torment.

Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ian McKellen here.
Just kidding. Unlucky, guys. It’s just me, Ell, here to chat shit and ramble incoherently for another article.


Actually, i got someone else to ramble incoherently. VIA FUCKING VIDEO. The wonders of technology. The magic box is speaking, guys! So, i asked the guys in Broken Torment some questions and they responded with a video interview.
My questions are about as retarded and unhelpful as a black metal weather report…


…but i’m sure you can live with that if you’ve kept up with my usual writing. If this is your first time reading one of my articles, i apologise sincerely.
Also, read more.

And so here it is. The Vinterviewdeo.

Thordendal would probably win. Huge hammers only slow down his foes so he can slice them up.
No disrespect to The Safety Fire, they’re fucking great. Just it’s Freddy T. He fucks shit up.

And so comes to the end of the interview, with me doing very little work. Didn’t even edit the video. Thanks to the Broken Torment dudes for compiling this motherfucker and taking the time to answer my inane blabberings with further inane blabberings.

Peace, bitches.
Also, check out their shit.


So, this is what i did on Sunday…

It began with me getting up bright and early at 2pm.
It then resulted in a bus journey to Glasgow. £10 return. Not bad.
I fell asleep on the bus and had a nightmare about being chased by that mad hunter from Jumanji. Was genuinely terrifying. But that’s not important.
What is important is that i was heading through to Glasgow to bear witness to this.

Holy fucking tits monkey.
While i was one of the many people who only recently fell into the love pit that is Meshuggah, it doesn’t mean i don’t love them as much as a hardcore fan. The first album i got was Obzen, and then almost instantaneously bought the rest. They quickly became one of my favourite bands, so this was a huge gig for me. I missed the first band, We Are Knuckledragger as a result of urgent matters arising. The Pub.

So, upon entering The Garage in Glasgow, pleasantly inebriated, i stopped by the merch stand and purchased THE FUCK out of a Meshuggah tee. Then it was Animals as Leaders time.

People don’t mosh at an AAL gig. They stand in awe.

Tosin Abasi‘s playing created a mood equivalent to a night of smoking shitloads of weed. Or so I’m told…
The majority of the set consisted of me bouncing my eyes back and forward between Tosin and Javier Reyes. Although I’ve watched playthroughs and live performances of every AAL song i could, and i remember those riffs like the back of my hand (Can’t play them. Just remember them. I’m a Derp player.), seeing them live had a different effect. It was cutting out the middle man. Youtube. While Youtube is a good friend to us, allowing us to listen to those songs we don’t have on our computer, to watch trailers for upcoming films, albums and video games, and for eagerly blasting our opinion in the face of everyone, whether they like it or not, it is nothing compared to the real thing. Wow i really ramble on sometimes. This is why i’m not an accomplished writer.

Tosin held the audience’s attention in the palm of his hand for the entire set. It was a strange sight, seeing everyone just breathing it in. But all of that changed the second Meshuggah hit the stage.

They blasted onstage with Obsidian and pummeled through a fantastic set list. Combustion was fairly early on and that song made people go crazy. I’ve never heard such sheer heaviness come from a live band. They played perfectly. I filmed a couple of songs, but my HTC wildfire couldn’t handle the groove. It was chaos.

I was right at the front, basking in the glory that is pure, unadulterated, progressive death metal. Jens loomed there like a king, with Fredrik Thordendal jamming out incredible, powerful riffs and creating a fantastic mood. Electric Red and Do Not Look Down created similar moods, but it really got crazy when Bleed erupted out through the speakers and the hard-moshing crowd evolved into a sea of full-on pitting, crowd surfing and rhythmically displaced headbanging.

Bleed had barely silenced when New Millenium Cyanide Christ surfaced and revitalized the crowd, who had almost quietened down after the chaos that was Bleed. More moshing ensued. It continued til the end of the set, when Jens thanked us and they departed the stage.
And then coming back on again to the disjointed madness of Future Breed Machine, stirring up the crowd more than they had been at any other point in the show. This was the greatest atmosphere i had ever encountered at a gig, even more so than the likes of Lamb of God and Gojira. They ended their set with Dancers to a Discordant System, which was an interesting one to finish with, but no less awesome.

Soaked, tired, but excited, i left the Garage to grab a bus back to Edinburgh after a brilliant night. If Meshuggah ever pass through your area, i recommend you get tickets. You will not be disappointed.

Jens emerging from the light like some prog metal demon.


Bros before Holz: Reviewing Holz!

Wow. This album is intense. Like, seriously.
At the same time as being insanely heavy, it is disjointed and manic. Its the musical equivalent of a difficult as fuck equation. Bear that in mind when checking out this release.

I made a derp.

Holz is the brainchild of KYU/King locust guitarist and vocalist Harry Holzhauer. And by brainchild, i mean insane, manic, almost inhuman brainchild. Aliens, i tell you.
My overall verdict on his EP Waves is a good one. It did make my brain hurt, but in a good way. Music that challenges you is always good. If there was ever a vigorous montage in some future film telling the rise of djent, then this would be the bit where you see the young protagonist trying and failing to play Holz riffs on his guitar several times, before finally achieving it and jumping into the air in typical end-of-montage behavior.
Fuck, i don’t even know what I’m talking about.

Ninja is the second track on the release, and it sounds like robots fighting. Or maybe fucking. Or both. Who are we to judge robots on their sexual endeavors. It has a very Meshuggah-y tone, with machine gun riffs, splattered all over the place with spiraling rhythms and structures.These themes are present throughout the release. PRATT almost sounds like radiowave frequencies, with rhythmic ornaments and added heaviness. This theme of robotic signals is difficult to get away from, as it is the most apt way to describe the delivery of this release. By Fingerbang, i begin to wonder if Harry is even human. Maybe he’s a robot sent from the future to implement cyber propoganda and kill John Connor.

Holza la Vista, Baby

The solo style is very Thordendal-esque. The penetrating, erratic nature of the lead technique slices through the heavy lows and create a monolithic monstrosity that unloads itself on your ears. This EP is certainly an interesting listen. It is djent at its most hardcore and aggressive form, and for that reason it is in a league of its own. Many djent acts step towards the melodic side in its creation, with intricate, beautiful harmonies fused into the pounding grooves. Holz takes a step away from this and pushes almost into the realm of instrumental death metal, with its own progressive twist. I enjoyed this release. It’s different, and i like it.

It is available for purchase via bandcamp, and it is free if you wish. But please make a donation if you can. It sounds like a lot of work and brainpower went into this release and it would be fantastic if he made some money in return for his effort.



Wait, Wait…What?
New Pantera song?

As you may be able to tell by the glorious name of our fantastical blog, we are massive Pantera fans. I have every album, a flag, like 300 posters, a few live dvds, the vulgar videos, 2 t shirts and a Dimebag Darrell watch. Because i’m a fucking fanboy and so should everyone. Now, apparently, they recorded this song during the Vulgar Display of Power album, but it didn’t make the cut. But even a Pantera song that doesn’t make the cut is better than the majority of shit that most bands put forward today. I mean Black Veil Brides (i’m not even going to put their name in bold. or tag them) won the shredder award in the Revolver Golden Gods award last night. It sounds like Dime rose from the grave to release this song just to counteract this act of immeasurable terribleness.

The song is called PISS and seeing as some members of the band are either dead or hate each other, they made a video full of Pantera fans doing stupid shit. Like getting punched in the face. I recommend you follow this here link and go take a listen. Thanks!
