The Second Coming: Another New Meshuggah Track!

It’s only been a few days since Meshuggah intentionally leaked new track “Break These Bones Whose Sinews Give It Motion”, and now we got another new one! HOLY FUCK.

Its pretty damn good too. In my opinion, this one is much better than Sinews, its more heavy hitting in the classic Meshuggah style. Excitement for the new album increases. Not long now guys. Not long now.

This track is called “Do Not Look Down” and will be on the upcoming album Koloss, out March 26th via Nuclear Blast Records. I would embed it into the post, but it’s a private soundcloud so your gonna have to click the link for mathy awesomeness.


4 Nights In Devin: Epic New Box Set!

Musical Genius. Composer of Masterpieces. Borderline Insane. What do these 3 criteria describe?

This Guy.

Last autumn, there were 4 shows played by Canadian Supermusician Devin Townsend showcasing all 4 of his latest cd’s; Ki, Addicted, Deconstruction and Ghost. He played through each album in entirety, leaving many minds blow. I cannot describe how awesome any of these shows could possibly be. So I’ll let Joey Styles do it.


Or if you want the full experience of Joey Styles‘ reaction…click here. But back to the point, Devin announced on twitter that he would release A DVD box set of the 4 shows, effectively putting BangBros out of business as no more wank material is needed from this point on. Don’t believe me? Well Check this out!

Well holy polar bear balls, batman! That shit is gonna tear us apart. I can’t wait. Everyone buy it. Seeing as I’ve overused pictures in this article because i cant string a coherent sentence together, i’m going to stop with that and just talk. Or not.


Unearth Watch It Burn: New Video!

Metalcore Kings Unearth, the people who fucking invented breakdowns, return with a new video from their latest album; Darkness in the Light. This new video, Watch It Burn, was directed by Scott Hansen, who also directed videos for A Day To Remember, I Wrestled A Bear Once and Maylene & The Sons of Disaster. It was posted on Metalinjection earlier on, along with a statement from vocalist Trevor Phipps.

“This video captures both the energy we put into every performance as well as imagery of the dark lyrical content of Watch it Burn”

So it’s Unearth doing what they do best then! TEARING SHIT UP!
Commence the Viewing of the Video.

The latest album, released last year, is a god tier listen. I recommend it. As Fuck.


Returning Home: Reviewing Sithu Aye’s New EP!

So, as i sit down for the night with my ham n cheese sandwich, my can of Pepsi max and usual incoherent thoughts, I decide that the perfect thing to get me thinking like a human being is listening to the brand spanking new Sithu Aye EP!
As I have mentioned in my previous article, i really love this guys work. It is diverse, heavy, tranquil and progressive, which is generally the 4 points that i look for in a release. This release, however, paints a different picture to that of Cassini.

Returning from the reaches of outer space, we find Sithu drifting down to the beautiful Scottish Isles. I appreciate the Scottish influence, considering I’m a Scot and have lived here my entire life. Have even spent time in the isles that he mentions, and their beauty matches the beauty of his songs.
When it’s not fucking raining that is. Spent a couple of days in Skye – was almost blown away, drowned and crushed by an airborne uprooted tree while the locals sat outside claiming “IT’S ONLY A DRIZZLE, LAD!”.

Speaking of Skye, i shall direct you to this track in particular. It is lovely, and is my favourite track on the album. His style is very smooth and sleek, especially in the clean parts, where his guitar mastery is backed up by a lot of ambience and background keys. This kind of style, punctuated by titanic, polyrhythmic riffs, recurs throughout the album. Skye contains some quality grooves, some heavy as shit djentacity and some lovely clean sections, emphasized by effects and the general technique of this very talented musician.
The picture painted by this album reminds me of exactly what is advertised – beautiful islands. I don’t know if i was helped along by the album title, or the track names, but i genuinely hear the sound of isles. Well done, Sithu, you hit it right on the head again.

Islay also brings some lovely cleans to the table, complete with some epic leads that give it a very Steve Vai kind of feel. The notes just seem to flow together as if bonded with one another. By this point, you should know that you like the release. By the time you get to Mull, you should fucking love it.

Also included on the EP, is a brilliant bonus track named “Arrow + Knee= Adventure Over” that comes equipped with some incredible chords, some crazy leads as well as some tranquil melodies that truly explore the theme that Sithu has chosen. The Synth’s help build up the atmosphere and help control the heaviness of those grooves, yo. Again, the chords are amazing. Just making sure you know.

As a whole, this release is a lot like an island. No shit. But hear me out, okay? It has the tranquil beauty, the feel of the waves, the sun shining on the beautiful countryside. It has aggression, like the storms that hit these islands, occasionally obliterating the tranquility and creating a very heavy atmosphere. It also has the structure, the rigid, but unique structure of an island. This helps build up the scene that Sithu is trying to create. And he manages it. This guy truly is an artist.

You can find the new EP on bandcamp. You can download it for free, but there is the option to give some money. It would be great if you could give him something for all his hard work. He delivers great results every time, and it would be fantastic for him to get a decent income from this.


Cults to Ashes: Reviewing Psycroptic! (Guest Article by FunctionalLunatic)

The Tasmanian maniacs are back, back to obliterate any garbage music out there. One of the most celebrated Technical Death Metal bands ever, Psycroptic is back with its latest offering–The Inherited Repression and in my honest opinion they have more than lived up to the expectations of the fans. Among a whole host of bands in the extremely crowded metal genre Psycroptic have always stood out. They have carved a niche for themselves. Not as others and all comparisons are futile is the precise definition of Psycroptic.

Ever since the day I heard the track Carriers of the Plague which was posted as a preview of the album by Nuclear Blast, I have been waiting eagerly to get my hands on the album. There are very few things in life which we are certain about, for me The Inherited Repression being in my top 3 metal albums of the year is one . I know it’s too early in the year and a lot of releases to go but I am beyond any doubt. The blend of  intensity, melody and groove in the album is unreal. Joe Haley is a maestro and every riff he lays down is a gem, fucking precious. With his hybrid picking and Jazzy playing, every second of this album has been an absolute delight to the ears.

Quoting Joe Haley about this album in comparison to the band’s previous works– “The Inherited Repression is by far my favorite Psycroptic album thus far, all of us in the band think this. It’s the age-old cliché from bands when they talk about their current album as being the best of their career, blah, blah, but I have to say it because it’s true. We wouldn’t think there is a point of going on if we couldn’t outdo each album prior. We are certainly not playing music for anything else than the love of creating it and performing it. The Inherited Repression is quite different from anything we have done in terms of song writing and structure, and we spent a lot longer writing and demoing the songs before we recorded it, which you can tell. It’s a very dynamic album, the fast elements faster, the slow elements slower, and a lot of light and dark binding it together. It’s a very catchy album as well, you can tap your foot, bang your head or anything else you want. Basically it has a lot of groove on it from start to finish.” I agree with everything he said, the previous four albums by the band have been extremely technical, many times lacking a tad bit in the groove but I guess that is what the band wanted to do at that point of time and as a fan I respect that. In the previous albums it seems like the track is going at hundred riffs a second and I love most of them but before I am able to wrap my head around them, they are long gone. This album is much more groovy and I feel like they have struck the right balance between groove and technicality. The riffs seem to last and I can savor them to the fullest.

The album production quality is also just goddamn perfect. The mix sounds perfectly balanced. The vocals of Jason Peppiatt and the drum-work of Dave Haley both fit perfectly but the best part of the album has to be Joe Haley’s guitar-work [well, no surprises there]. I have been a huge fan of his finger tangling guitar-work and every riff invariably splatters my brain all over the place. Well, I can point out numerous riffs which have been stuck in my mind and playing with it ever since I have heard the album but my favorite has to be the riff which hits at 1:46 in the track From Scribe to Ashes. Lets be honest here, if you have a working pair of ears and you don’t like the riff, get your goddamn ears checked. I cannot fathom even the remotest possibility of anyone not liking the riff, I just can’t. The acoustic intro to Deprivation has an oriental feel to it and is hauntingly beautiful. The riffs are techy, mind blowingly fast, groovy as fuck and all in all just pure fucking ownage second after fucking second. The intro riff to Become the Cult is the prime example of this album being more groovy. I love every track and I can go on and on breaking each track down second by second, pointing out my favorite parts but well, that will take me eternity and I already know the conclusion I will reach. I will end up arguing that every second of this album is goddamn perfect. Get on it like your life depends on it. This just might be one of the most original pieces of music ever created in the metal genre. Carve my words in stone when I say “This is music as it was supposed to be”. Yes, it is that good.



So, in the past half hour or so, i seen a bombardment of facebook statuses screaming things along the lines of “NEW MESHUGGAH TRACK ALLRGELKHSDIUTGERN” and “JESUS CHRIST ON ROLLERSKATES, NEW ‘SHUGGAH TRACK!”

And yes. There is.
Listen. Stare. See. Take in. Grasp. Comprehend. Assimilate. Behold a new track. (See what i did there?)

This was posted on a website (, registered to Ronnie Backlund, Meshuggah‘s band manager. So it’s legit, guys, and it certainly isnt RYXYZXR trying to fake it, as some have claimed. I have heard from multiple, reliable sources that this is legit. So moving on, holy shit its a new Meshuggah song! Since their last album, their lovechild “Djent” has kind of exploded into a huge scene. This new album will be the first new release many beginner djenties will hear, so there is a lot of anticipation. It feels like they leaked a fairly mediocre track, enough to keep us interested, but not the full blown madness that the album will be. I enjoyed the new song, don’t get me wrong, but i know that style of song. They do it on most albums. They have a fairly short song with only a few riffs, thats almost like a bridge between the absolute fucking demon tracks that fuck your ears with a dick. Made of broken glass. Covered in acid.

That’s why he always makes this fucking face.

Now, by no means is it a short track. It borders on 7 minutes. Neither does it only have a few riffs. However, it has a distinctly connective sound to it. It just sounds like the calm before the storm. Even though it’s not that calm. Calm-ER would be a way of putting it. But anyway, i think i know what this leak is meant to do. I know what they are trying to say.

This is just a small taste of what is to come.

And if that is the message they are sending, then i fucking believe them.

Got-Djent posted about this earlier on as well, and they announced that it was track 7 of the upcoming Koloss album, entitled “Break These Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion“. Fucking Sweet. The leak was apparently intended as a marketing stunt, in order to give promotion to the new album. Very well done guys, you did your job right!

“Sweet as Tits, with that Power Groove!”
Ste Dewar (Loop/Equilibria)

“This is disgusting. I was not expecting this at all. Meshuggah is king.”
Erik Obzen (Spiralmountain)

“I think that the track definitely leaves you wanting to hear more. The mix sounds so much more natural and less digital than on previous releases, even as close as Obzen”
Sithu Aye


Beneath the Groove: Reviewing Nacirema!

Florida groove metallers, Nacirema ( “American” backwards, whaaaat?), have plans to release an EP in the near future. Joshua Imel, formerly of Sound We Sleep (Red Blue Records), approached me and gave me some information on the band and a song to check out. I thought it was pretty damn good! Let’s check that shit out!

Nacirema recorded the EP with Lee Dyess (From First to Last) and had the mixing and mastering handled by Will Putney (Asking Alexandria). They are still in the final stages of finishing the EP but they did release their debut single, Beneath the Sand, a few months back. The single is very progressive, with some nice riffs and sweet licks. It certainly isn’t a boring listen. I especially like the use of the chords and SikTh-y leads. Here is the single now;

Heavy as shit, bro. I’ve listened to it a fair few times, and hope to get the EP on my iPod when it comes out. The guys said they would let me know as soon as it was ready, so stay tuned for a follow up review (and possibly interview) with these Groove Metal Giants!

Hit up their facebook or twitter page for updates! Or even their own website at


Oh Wait, Turns Out The Human Abstract Are Still Going?

So, according to formspring, prog metal behemoths, The Human Abstract, are still going! Although an announcement was made a few months back detailing their breakup (as a result of the departure of Travis Richter on vocals), it turns out that bassist Henry Selva spoke to soon! Here is the official statement!

Fucking Score! Hiatus is always better than full on break up. There’s a chance for more material from these guys! This is another bit of good news for me. SikTh reform, now this. This year is pretty good already. Here’s hoping for a new album and a comeback tour in the next few years!



ARTifacts. Hahahahahaha Get it? Fuck off.

While this here is a metal blog (as fuck), i do enjoy other aspects of life. Such as art. But then again, some of it looks pretty metal. Now i don’t like that modern art shite thats meant to symbolise some bullshit idea, like this.

This symbolises the fact that I CAN’T FUCKING PAINT.

I prefer renaissance art, coz there’s so much shit going on. And its drawn well. I also like awesome graphics and shit, and i do genuinely believe that computer game graphics IS A FORM OF ART. If you disagree, play Final Fantasy IX – XIII and just look at the beautiful scenery, the vast, serene landscapes, the terrifying dungeons and the impeccably detailed characters. If you found out that Final Fantasy was designed by Monet rather than some sweaty Japanese dude on a computer, i guaren-fucking-tee that you would change your mind. Tell me this is not art.

Better graphics than REAL LIFE?

So yeah. I like metal. So i write a blog about metal. I help out local bands and unsigned acts. I like (some) art. So why not help out some local artists? I know Jan Levett through my slim as fuck mate Will McPhee (who is also an ex-guitarist for the best band in the history of ever, Broken Entity, also starring me) and, with aspirations to become a tattoo artist in the central Scotland area, has shown me some drawings of hers. I liked them, so im sure some tattoo places will like them too! GIVE HER A JOB, PEOPLE!

Showing her awesomeness with a drawing implement, she drew a picture for the blog!

Its got a skull, a cowboy hat and a snake. Metal written all over it.

It’s the tits, man. While i like art, i can’t fucking do it. Despite my mother being an art lecturer…
As i get more and more inebriated, typing is becoming more difficulter.
Or something.
So, i’ll let Jan’s drawings speak for themselves 🙂 Here’s a selection of my favourites, but she has many more. If anyone really likes them and wants to speak to her, hit up the blog and ill sort something out. Don’t feel comfortable handing out peoples facebooks on the blog, you have no idea what psychos are out there haha. But i don’t give a fuck about giving out mine, seeing as im more psycho than most! Add fuck out me if you want. On to the pictures!

Freddy Krueger: A Nightmare On Elm St.

It’s fucking Gizmo. I would get this tattoed on my left asscheek.

Something that wouldn’t go amiss in the film HEAVY METAL. or the game BRUTAL LEGEND.


A portrait of Me and Will. Not really. Or is it…?

And a nice coloured one to finish off with.

So i think they’re pretty fucking good. I would hire her, if i owned a tattooificator studio.

And i would like to point out to a lot of artists that it doesn’t have to MEAN something to be art. While ideas in art and hidden meanings can be cool and sometimes even full on mindfucking, don’t rely on that alone. It can make it boring.

Thanks a lot to Jan Levett for drawing these, hopefully this post helps out!


Jesse Leach Returns Home: Killswitch Engage Find Their New…Old..Whatever Singer!

This was speculated online since the departure of Howard Jones. But now its official. Checking out the Killswitch Engage website, where you can clearly see a photo of the band with Jesse Leach! Here is the photo here!

It appears he has also been exposed to high levels of Amon Amarth.

The band has confirmed his return. I’m glad that there will be some new albums to add to the Jesse Leach era of KSE, i really enjoyed Alive or Just Breathing. My favourite KSE song of all time is still Self Revolution. I look forward to seeing how his vocals have evolved!