Scordatura Require a Vocalist!

Glasgow death metal titans, Scordatura, have recently parted ways with their vocalist. This is a sad moment,as Daryl had been with the band for quite a while. However, this could mean the beginning of a new era of Scordatura, and a huge opportunity for the replacement vocalist. So, if there are any decent death metal vocalists in the Glasgow area, or able to travel to Glasgow once a week for practice, then get your arse over the facebook page and let them know you are interested! They will be holding auditions every sunday in Glasgow. If you wanna know how good these guys are, check my previous articles on them; here and fucking here.

I would totally go for this position if i was better at death vocals!

More info

If you get the part and you were informed of the vacancy by this article, let me know. So i can pretend to be important.


This entry was posted by FullMetalEll.

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