Acousseract EP gives us a new Perspective.

British Djent pioneers TesseracT announced via bassist Amos Williams that they would be releasing a new EP (working title Perspective) sometime in the near future. As you may remember, they released a youtube video of some acoustic versions of songs (including an epic Jeff Buckley cover!) through Metal Injection. This apparently went down well as they hope to turn this into a full EP due for release this year!

Acoustic TesseracT sounds pretty fucking good to me! Another thing for me to buy in the upcoming year, and you can damn well count on a review! While the youtube videos still had first singer Daniel Tompkins, the new EP will be rerecorded with new singer Elliot Coleman. Who shares the same first name as me, so that alone makes him awesome. On top of his insane singing voice. While some have described his voice as “sounding like a black diva on crack”, i think he is a very unique singer. Some have compared his style to that of The Mars Volta, which is certainly not a bad thing.

On top of this, they have been recording shit for their new second album, the first release with Elliot on vocals. I cant fucking wait for this. One was definitely one of my albums of the year for 2011 and i have no doubt that the new record will be one of my albums of the year for 2012!

I’ll leave you with one of the acoustic sessions to give your ears a metaphorical blowjob.


This entry was posted by FullMetalEll.

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